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Trump, Biden and Guns | Ft. LGBTQ+ Candidate Kevin Sabellico | Stay Classy Pod | Ep. 65
Joining us in this week’s episode of the “Stay Classy Pod” is politician and advocate, Kevin Sabellico. Kevin gives us a behind the scenes peak of what it’s like running for the District 2 spot of City Counsel. From discussing his advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights to public safety reforms in Carlsbad, you won’t want to miss out on his vision for a more inclusive and environmentally conscious future for San Diego!<br/>Chapters:1:00 - Trump5:49 - Gen Z in Government13:34 - The Race for the District 2 Seat 16:42 - Mo Muir’s Controversy19:45 - Managing Katherine Blakespear’s Campaign25:26 - LGBTQ+ rights26:35 - Confederate flag30:48 - Commitment to Carlsbad32:20 - Protecting our climate43:45 - Nuclear energy45:00 - Drugs, Guns, and Public SafetyFor more inspiring stories and insightful conversations, subscribe to "Stay Classy Podcast" and never miss an episode. Follow us on social media and other platforms for exclusive content, linked down below!Stay connected with us: Instagram: @stayclassypod_Official Website: https://stayclassypod.com/<br/><br/>For collaboration or guest inquiries, please contact us at admin@stayclassypod.com<br/><br/>Support the show