Unkillable & Video Palace + 2 more complete stories, 1 season finale, and 1 new season coming soon!

0 ビュー· 06/15/23

Greetings, and welcome to The End Last Week, This Week, and Next Week, the podcast companion to The End, the weekly newsletter that shines a light back on audio fiction shows after they've reached the finale of a season or the conclusion of the series. I am your host and the curator of The End, Evo Terra.Let’s get into it, shall we?Last WeekThe most recent issue of The End - the 41st - highlighted 6 shows in the Season Finales & Finished Series section, and 3 of them wrapped within the last week:📖💀⛵ • Eternal Strife, a dramatized comedy from Bruce Windwood, posted the final episode of the entire series on June 11th. You can listen to all 22 episodes of the 4 seasons in about 11 hours. Listen to the end of the episode to hear the trailer.
🔎🔫🪦 • Riordan's Desk, a narrated mystery from Mark Coggins, posted the final episode of the 5th season, which is his novel, The Immortal Game, on my birthday, June 10th. It’ll take you about 7 and a half hours to the 30 episodes of this season, or just over 45 hours to listen to all five seasons. Of note: Riordan’s Desk is included in Top 30 crime fiction podcasts. I’ll link to that in the episode details, and his next season starts… next week. A sample of the first episode is included at the end of this episode.
🌎🤰🤯 • Expectant, a dramatized fiction podcast from Pippa Johnstone, wrapped all 6 episodes on June 8th. This is a quick listen, at just over an hour and a half to listen to the complete story. And shockingly, the trailer for Expectant will play at the end of this episode.<br/>This WeekWith every issue, I made two recommendations for great audio fiction I personally love. As will all things in life, YMMV.🔪🧟‍♂️😭 Up first is Unkillable, a narrated horror thriller from Patrick E. McLean. This is a blast from my past, as it was first published as a podcast on Podiobooks.com, a service I ran from 2005 to 2015. Patrick is one of my favorite storytellers, and Unkillable is no exception. Here’s a snipped from the first part of the first episode, recorded way back in 2010. [snippet plays] You can, and should, listen to Patrick narrate all 19 episodes of Unkillable. It’ll take you about four hours
📼🕯️🏃 My next recommendation is Video Palace, a dramatized horror show from Shudder. Yes, THAT Shudder. I love creepy, you-probably-shouldn’t-do-that content on its own, but layer in Shudder’s incredible commitment to sound quality, and this is a huge hit. Here’s a sample from early in the first episode. [sample plays]


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