Unlocking Hearts: Martijn Vroemen on Awakening & Human Design | Pyramid Podcast 006
Welcome to another soul-enriching episode on The Pyramids of Chi podcast. In this insightful conversation, David Khan sits down with Martijn Vroeman to discuss how he came to be in Bali, attending a "mystery school" and how Martijn's practice has evolved.<br/><br/>As a bonus, Martijn leads a 10-minute guided meditation at the end of the podcast, so stay tuned to the end.<br/><br/>In this thought-provoking conversation, we navigate the intersection of spirituality, meditation, and the tangible manifestation of a divine vision. Open your heart and mind to the transformative power of vision and pyramids as you join us on this profound odyssey. <br/><br/><br/>-<br/>For more information about our events visit our website:<br/>https://pyramidsofchi.com/<br/><br/>Follow Pyramids of Chi on Instagram:<br/>https://www.instagram.com/pyramidsofchi/<br/>-<br/>Awakening the Heart Ceremony - https://pyramidsofchi.com/products/awakening-the-illuminated-heart-ceremony<br/>--<br/>Receive a FREE Soundscape for joining our newsletter: <br/>https://www.pyramidsofchionline.com/free-soundscape<br/>-<br/>Host: David Khan, https://www.instagram.com/octave.leap<br/>Guest: Martijn Vroemen. https://www.instagram.com/awakenwithmartijn/