Update astro news on planetary alignments and configurations for 10th-13th Sept 2023
Update on planetary alignments and configurations:· New moon in Virgo: new beginnings, time to plant.· New moon in Virgo trine Uranus: explosive, creativity with genius.· Venus square Jupiter: fun indulgence, and money increase· Mercury trine Jupiter: learn, communicate and grow· Mercury going direct: time to move forward· Mercury opposing Saturn: take it somewhat slowly· Full Moon in Aries: fiery harvest· Venus square Uranus: fluctuations in love and money matters· Venus sextile Mars: passions, adventures and desires to getThe Lunar lounge podcastBe sure to also catch the live lunar Lounge podcast on every Wednesday at 12:30pm UK time. Another additional podcast uploaded every SundayTo join live, participate and subscribe:https://youtube.com/@AstrologyofTheSoulOr on Instagram: https://instagram.com/sacredpl....anets?igshid=OGQ5ZDc more information about my services or to arrange a personal one to one reading please go to:https://linktr.ee/sacredplanets?subscribe#Podcast #Astrology #Spirituality #Lifestyle #Tarotcards #ZodiacSigns #starsigns #Divination #Esoteric #Numerology #IsraelAjose #Tarot #Podcasts #Educational #Education #AstrologyClasses #planetaspects #LearningAstrology #Philosophy #thelunarloungepodcast #planetaryalinments #Mars # Jupiter #Saturn #newmoon #fullmoon