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We Need to Talk About Kevin
Republicans, especially Donald Trump, hoped the pendulum would swing in their favor on election night, without penalizing their party for its extremism and the Big Lie. Instead the results kind of blew up their plans, such as they were. Now, with a growing realization that Trump is making their party non-viable, Republicans find themselves at a crossroads. Who are their party leaders? What’s their basic character? What policy agenda do they even have, if any? Unfortunately for us, what’s left of the national GOP is a group of people who’ve been selected for their willingness to set aside right and wrong in order to make Donald Trump happy. Mark Leibovich wrote a book about that called Thank You for Your Servitude, during which he got to know just how deep the servitude runs in each of the people who will soon gain power in Washington. Mark joins host Brian Beutler to discuss how those people might grapple with these dilemmas, and what will happen when their decisions, forged in the Fox News cinematic universe, meet reality.