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Why Having a Great Relationship with your Forwarder Pays Dividends
Moving freight across international borders has not been an easy task over the past few years. With chaos surrounding supply chains, cultivating a close relationship with your supply chain partners has become the key to success.In this Supply Chain Now livestream, Paula Roets discussed what she has learned while serving as the liaison between shippers and their freight forwarder in times of tremendous uncertainty. She shared insights on how managing your freight forwarder - and your account executive - can yield better results for the entire supply chain.Paula joined co-hosts Scott Luton and Greg White to discuss:• How she helps teams uncover root cause problems while also putting out fires• Ways that she has changed her approach to work over the last few years in response to rising complexity• How to get beyond the ‘canned’ marketing pitch that so many account representatives are trained to giveAdditional Links & Resources:Learn more about Supply Chain Now: https://supplychainnow.comCheck out our new Supply Chain Now Media Kit: https://bit.ly/3zKRLyLSubscribe to Supply Chain Now and all other Supply Chain Now programs: https://supplychainnow.com/subscribeLeveraging Logistics and Supply Chain for Ukraine: https://vectorgl.com/stand-with-ukraine/2022 Q3 U.S. Bank Freight Payment Index: https://freight.usbank.comWEBINAR- Undermanaged Spend Categories: How GPOs Can Help Mitigate Your Risks: https://bit.ly/3SM5WeKWEBINAR- Supply Chain Planning: Growing your Process Maturity in 2023: https://bit.ly/3T9esEj
This episode is hosted by Scott Luton and Greg White. For additional information, please visit our dedicated show page at: https://supplychainnow.com/why....-having-great-relati