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30: Your Body is a Revolution with Tara Teng
In this episode, host Kelly Wolfe, is joined by embodiment coach, somatic practitioner, author, and former Miss Canada, Tara Teng, to discuss:what it means that our bodies are a revolutionhow the “unholy trinity” of white supremacy, colonialism, and patriarchy — as well as even some bad interpretations of scripture — have caused so many of us to become disembodiedwhat healing/coming back home to ourselves looks like, feels like, and how we know it’s happeninga guided embodiment practice to help us all see our bodies as our best teachers, and more!Guest Bio: Tara Teng (she/her) is an Embodiment Coach who works in the intersections of spirituality and sexuality. Aside from her 1:1 coaching, Tara hosts women’s circles, workshops, online classes and retreats on the topics of embodiment, justice, sexuality, and relationships. Tara's first book, “Your Body is a Revolution: Healing Our Relationships with Our Bodies, Each Other and the Earth” is now available everywhere from Broadleaf Books. She also has spent ten years working to advance the socio-economic status of women, diminish sexual violence and end human trafficking alongside collaborative work with community stakeholders, lawmakers, and some amazing organizations. Beyond her work, Tara is a TEDx Speaker, a former Miss Canada and was named Canada’s “Woman of the Year” in 2011. She is also a recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal in recognition of her vast human rights work. In her personal life, Tara is a mother to three young children. She lives, works and plays on the unceded traditional territories of the Kwantlen, Matsqui, Katzie and Semiahmoo First Nations. You can find her on Twitter and IG @misstarateng or on her website at tarateng.com