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Christians and Muslims: A conversation worth having | Richard Shumack, Director for the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology
How do we work our way through different faith backgrounds to the truth that sets us free? How do we hold out hope and share our faith without descending into arguments? How do we overcome our own ideas of what a conversion experience should look like and actually enter into, not one or two, but years of conversations? Richard Shumack lives in Sydney and is the Director for the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology. Richard has lived and worked for many years among Muslim communities where he developed his passion for helping Christians and Muslims speak constructively about faith and who Jesus is. Richard shares from his own personal experiences of engaging cross-culturally with Muslims in Australia. Where our secular friends are unable to articulate spiritual things, this is not the case for many of our Muslim neighbours who are willing to have deep conversations about their lived faith and listen to your faith too. As we listen to Richard’s wisdom and love for Muslim people may we all be challenged to take the next step in our conversations. Richard’s book ‘Jesus through Muslim Eyes’ explores this further. Find out more about how CMS can help your church partner in global mission by visiting www.cms.org.au and selecting your local branch.