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Empathy, Cocooning, Burnout, + Feng Shui… What Do These All Have In Common?.. LOL!
Empathy, Cocooning, Burnout, + Feng Shui… What do these all have in common.. LOL!In episode 32, Allie does a solo episode and admits to being called into cocoon season… and it wasn’t because she chose it. As you all have been along for our journey, we promised to be upfront and honest with you about where we were at in all areas of our lives.Tune in, and hear how sometimes the wind blows you into a season that you can't always find a way at first… but when you sit with yourself and reevaluate your purpose on life you can metamorphous and start living life for yourself again... A satisfied life = a successful life. You are in charge of what success means to YOU!She talks about how burn out and tower moments can be blessings in disguise... And it's important to do energy audits on yourself and your spaces... clean out that junk drawer, and Feng Shui your home to get rid of all that clutter! Allie teaches you a few basics of this practice and how to attract more luck and energy into your life! Give yourself some grace!Xoxo Allie + Sam