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Political Ponderings, Life Recap, & Creating Good Habits
Open<br />2:55: Molly’s did a reformed history trip with Ligonier Ministries European Tour, government monopolies on utilities<br />6:12: Mr. Beast and Joe Rogan<br />9:48: RFK, Jr., and being so far beyond what the founders intended<br />13:09: 3-Letter Agency overstep<br />18:19: Worldviews, public policies and political action<br />20:37: Molly would consider voting for a Kennedy, should big issues like abortions be the issue of the day for a particular election?<br />25:58: Should we trust Vivik? <br />26:42: A recap of our lives of the last three weeks or so 😆, Molly and Titus preps the van for a trip by themselves, Titus levels up in life, JR goes out on tour.<br />36:09: Ty Walker & The Humanoids<br />38:34: Jess Ray fronts a The Worship Initiative tune, Ancient Gates; The Lord's Prayer, Shane & Shane<br />41:29: JR’s remix of Jess Ray’s “Best Friend”<br />41:52: Atomic Habits<br />44:13: Going 6 hours for grain- weird life values<br />49:03: The Lucky Valentines<br />50:57: The Missouri River and Lewis and Clark get sidelined<br />52:54: Habits don’t create who you are, the they flow out of who you are; a sense of identity.<br />56:15: Kids take their physical fitness cues from their mother, not their father.<br />58:48 Identity creating habits is so Biblical.<br />1:03:05: Cues, cravings, responses, rewards, temptations, dopamines and applying principles to life for better Christian living<br />1:16:17: Molly working through sharpening her life and being a good steward with her time and resources.<br />1:16:23: Model Health Show on Time Management<br />1:21:06: Molly passionately hates wasps<br />1:22:23: CloseToo Busy to Flush Telegram GroupPique Tea - Referral Link (Website)Montana Flour & Grains